Pied Piper Theatre
"★★★★ Inspirational"
- The Stage
"Poignant, uplifting and educational"
- Broadway World
"A shining example of children's theatre"
- Surrey Advertiser
* Reviews for previous productions
Town Mouse and Country Mouse - Photo Gallery!

Town Mouse and Country Mouse is touring now!

Come and see the show from November to February. Including performances with British Sign Language. 

Join two friends as they embark on an amazing journey and discover that sometimes new can be exciting, and different can be good!

An enchanting story from Aesop's much loved and heart warming tale told with puppetry, music and magical design, for ages 3+ and their families.


Touring now!

Touring November 2024 to February 2025.

Join two friends as they embark on an amazing journey and discover that sometimes new can be exciting, and different can be good!

An enchanting story from Aesop's much loved and heart warming tale told with puppetry, music and magical design, for ages 3+ and their families.

Education Pack now available!
Education Pack now available!

We’ve produced an education pack to enable teachers to use the story of Town Mouse and Country Mouse as a context for different areas of learning. 

The pack is intended as a leaping off point for follow-on activities having watched the play. The suggested activities take themes from the play and can be directly linked to the national curriculum.

It is available to download in .pdf format in Teacher Resources here.

Can Bears Ski? Photo gallery!
Can Bears Ski? Photo gallery!

Can Bears Ski? is touring now!

Come and see the show from 17th November - 25th February.

Can Bears Ski? is based on the book by poet Raymond Antrobus, Ted Hughes award-winner, who draws on his own experience as a deaf child in a hearing world.

The Pied Piper Theatre Company and Deafinitely Theatre present a retelling of a story, with a set inspired by Polly Dunbar's stunning illustrations, puppetry and music. 

Pied Piper Theatre Company are delighted to be working with Paula Garfield and Deafinitely Theatre to bring this beautiful story to the stage.

Can Bears Ski? Nominated for an Offie!
Can Bears Ski? Nominated for an Offie!

We're delighted to announce that The Pied Piper Theatre Co. has been nominated alongside Deafinitely Theatre for an Offie (OffWestEnd) award in 2024.

The nomination is in the Theatre for Young Audiences - Production category for Can Bears Ski?  


This year we’ve created a single Can Bears Ski? education packs to enable teachers to use the story as a context for different areas of learning. 

You can find it available to download in .pdf format in Teacher Resources here.

Can Bears Ski? Trailer
Can Bears Ski? Trailer

Can Bears Ski? is touring now!

Come and see the show from 17th November - 25th February.

Can Bears Ski? is based on the book by poet Raymond Antrobus, Ted Hughes award-winner, who draws on his own experience as a deaf child in a hearing world.

The Pied Piper Theatre Company and Deafinitely Theatre present a retelling of a story, with a set inspired by Polly Dunbar's stunning illustrations, puppetry and music. 

Pied Piper Theatre Company are delighted to be working with Paula Garfield and Deafinitely Theatre to bring this beautiful story to the stage.

'Can Bears Ski?' - ACE funding awarded!
'Can Bears Ski?' - ACE funding awarded!

Arts Council England have awarded Pied Piper funding to create and tour a new play ‘Can Bears Ski?’ in collaboration with Deafinitely Theatre. ‘Can Bears Ski?’ is based on the book by poet Raymond Antobus and illustrator Polly Dunbar.

Download for fun! - Baby Maze, read more.
Pied Piper Theatre Company
In education? Download - Education Pack, today, read more.
Pied Piper Theatre Company
Download for fun! - Mountain Run!, read more.
Pied Piper Theatre Company
Download for fun! - Spelling With Signs!, read more.
Pied Piper Theatre Company
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